Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Pond

Last year when I went ice skating we went to Central Park, which I'd never done before and always seemed like one of those things one should do, although like everything else in this world, it's nothing like the movies. This year we decided to go up to the Pond at Bryant Park because it's closer and easier to get to although not as picturesque. As it turns out it was also cheaper, and had a better behaved crowd which was nice of course.

  • Skating outside is one of the good things in life.
  • The weather was beautiful.
  • We got there early enough that it wasn't too too crowded at the beginning.

  • The rental skates were super uncomfortable and so dull they skidded across the ice. I had my own skates when I was a kid because we lived three minutes from a community center that was an ice rink at the time (no longer) and it was soooo much better.
  • The hot chocolate they sell there is beyond bad.
So overall, a nice day. :)

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