Saturday, June 09, 2007

I'm Having My Day at the Beach, Damnit.

I get out of work at one on Fridays between Memorial Day and Labor Day so Wendy and I figured we would go to the beach yesterday as the weather report claimed it would be 90 degrees and sunny. Well we got out to Brooklyn (Aquarium stop on the F line) only to discover that 90 and sunny was not so much the case. There was fog rolling in off the water and hiding the top of the ferris wheel and tower at Astroland (and how bizarre to think of that place closing, although the Cyclone and Wonder Wheel are landmarked and will stay open).

We toyed briefly with the idea of going to the Aquarium but Wendy declared that she was going to have her day at the beach even if we did have to use our towels as blankets (which we did) so we were going to sit there on the sand and look out at the 10 feet of ocean we could see (it was actually a bit more than that). And that is just what we did. And let me just say that lying at the beach under a towel and fully clothed, chatting about the fact that the funny-looking bird you saw last year at the beach was indeed a cormorant and how the squacco heron has returned to London after 150 years gone lacks a certain beachy zip. What a waste of sunscreen.

My mother's in town so we went out to eat at Dos Caminos yesterday. I figured she would like it and after abortive attempts to go there on her last couple visits we did go this time. And she did like it, so hurrah for my restaurant choosing skillz. Today we went to Jekyll & Hyde with my little brother and grandmother (he's having a weekend with grandma). It's an over-priced tourist trap with fairly shitty food but my brother loved it so it's all good.

The afternoon I had to myself while my mother went to a quilting store and Cody and my grandmother went to see the Mythological Creatures exhibit at the Museum of Natural History so I wandered around Central Park for a bit and then went and hung out at home.

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