The area where the bird had fallen is blocked off by a little fence, but that would be easy to climb over. The problem was that I wasn't sure what to do with the bird once I got there. At the same time though, I couldn't just leave the sad creature there to die. So as one does when one's best friend is a veterinary student, I called Wendy and asked what I should do. She told me that it might have just knocked itself out and if it wasn't stuck I should wait and see what happened or take it to the vet--our vet does look at wildlife--depending on whether or not it looked injured. If it was stuck I should unstick it and she'd tell me how to pick it up. For better or worse, though, by the time I got down to the spot the bird had flopped over on its side, one wing drooping through the grating, and breathed its last.
On the bright side, Wendy did think that it probably concussed itself on impact and never felt anything.
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