Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Darwin Martin Complex

Another grey, washed out day in Buffalo. Colder than before though. My mother had tickets to the Martin House sitting around and there's been an awful lot done in the 6 years since I'd toured it, so off we went. I always wind up think about how absolutely unbearable Frank Lloyd Wright must have been when I see his buildings.

Barton House

Barton House window from the outside. They don't allow you to take pictures from the inside. Something I thought was fairly obnoxious. Particularly since they don't sell fabulous postcards or anything. Our docent claimed that they followed "museum rules" but the vast majority of museums I've been to allow pictures as long as you turn off your flash.

Darwin Martin House


Kirsten said...

we went on a field trip there in HS. i distincly remember cuz the whole time Blake and I were in different tour groups and sneaking flirting looks at each other all day. :) ah the memories that I hold. at least they're happy ones.

Meg said...

Yeah, that was the time I'd been before. The bits you can see do look nicer now.